which dances – or how to imagine a future beyond extraction is
a choreografic assemblage, – a space full of matter thwat matters to tell stories in different

During a week these stories are told through
– an exhibition and the presence of the artists Sabina Holzer & Jack Hauser

– a filmscreening „Fly my to the moon“ by Esther Figueroa: FLY ME TO THE MOON (2019), is a feature documentary by Jamaican independent filmmaker Esther Figueroa, that takes us on a journey into the unexpected ways we are all connected on Planet Earth, by following aluminum – the metal of modernity – around the world and into space. We travel for over one hundred years, visiting places as far flung as the Moon, Jamaica, India, Suriname, Canada, Cuba, Japan, Hungary, Iceland, Australia, Vietnam, the United States of America, encountering along the way human “triumphs”, technological innovations, multiple wars, societal upheavals, environmental devastation. And in the urgent here and now of the climate crisis, the film challenges us to to think about the consequences of our consumption, to reimagine the ways in which we live, and to change our material culture and political economy that is destroying the planet we all depend on.

– a workshop with Sabina Holzer (dancer & writer), Kilian Jörg (philosopher & artist), Stephan Pogatscher (researcher and rrofessor at univercity of Leoben: metallurgy, physical petallurgy, sustainable metallurgy, aluminium alloys) and the digital presence of Esther Figueroa (filmmaker & activist): We connect with the preciousness and toxicity of aluminum through stories, touch and a haunted masquerade.
– the performance „which zones“ with Sabina Holzer, Jack Hauser and Elisabeth Schäfer. Choreografic companionship: Alix Eynaudi. Sound: Thomas Wagensommerer. Production: mollusca production.
In this exploration of aluminum and aluminum worlds, aluminum worlding, we approach a hallucination of a dance. An h-alu-dance that could lead us streamlined into an accelerated, metallic future. But: how can the inscriptions of this metal be danced with? How do they connect with our actions? How do they give rise to movements between life and death?

A coproduction between cattravelsnotalone & Volkskundemuseum Vienna in the frame of the Climate Biennial Vienna 2024 and the friendly support of Wien Kultur / Wissenschaft.
Volkskundemuseum Wien, 2024