Sabina Holzer in collaboration with Jack Hauser, and Alix Eynaud, Elisabeth Schäfer, Brigitte Wilfing, Thomas Wagensommerer.
There are scientists who say that we live in the Age of Aluminum. If we look around us, we can only agree. We are surrounded by aluminum objects: a material, that transports us through the world and is contained in all kinds of food, cosmetics and medicines.
which dances – a choreographic assemblage speculates with the material, takes up ecological contexts and throws itself into a poetry of living together, a community to come, in which different nature-cultures meet. Following the need for solidary action, we feel the need explore transversal alliances. which dances – a choreographic assemblage is science & fiction, performance & exhibition and asks the future to dance

Engaging with the interpenetration of worlds and bodies, we explore how bodies inscribe themselves into the world, which in turn shapes bodies in their environment. We follow the traces of light reflections and plasticity of aluminum and use the spatial architecture of the Volkskundemuseum as a place where we initiate processes, let them take place and participate in them; – visitors are also very welcome to do so.

which dances – achoreographic assemblage 2021
Twice a day a shared score was enacted by Sabina Holzer, Elisabeth Schäfer & all the materials and visitors.
one hour one take by Jack Hauser

During the week adtional contributions by Niamo Lattner (scholar / reading), Irene Lucas (artist / solar cooking installation) Thomas Ballhausen (writer / reading), David Ender (performer & musician / reading) Alix Eynaudi (dancer / perfromative input) Tanja Traxler (quantum physicist / lecture) Herbert Justnik (kurator / talk), could be attended.
MATERIALS generated for and during which dances – a choreografic assemblage
Brief ans Aluminium von Niamo Lattner
Manifest in Process by Elisabteh Schäfer
DRZ – Demontage und Recycling Zentrum Wien
which dances in process a dance by Sabina Holzer
Further knowlegdes
Aluminium ausleiten
Silizium & Brennnessl
Quarks – Gesundheitsrisiko Aluminium
Glossary in process for which dances – a choreographic assemblag
Project & artistic direction: Sabina Holzer / Space, artistic companionship, video: Jack Hauser / Choreographies & dances: Sabina Holzer / Textual & philosophical companionship: Elisabeth Schäfer / Choreographic companionship: Brigitte Wilfing / Sound: Thomas Wagensommerer / Dramaturgical advise: Herbert Justnik / Projectmanagement: Lena Nothdurfter / Technical support: Patrick Widhofner-Schmidt
With contributions by: Jeroen Peeters (essayist, dramaturg), Niamo Lattner (scholar / reading), Irene Lucas (artist / solar cooking installation) Thomas Ballhausen (writer / reading), David Ender (performer & musician / reading) Alix Eynaudi (dancer / perfromative input) Tanja Traxler (quantum physicist / lecture) Herbert Justnik (kurator / talk)
With many thanks to the team of Volkskundemuseum!
Also to SeeLab – Jot12, Stoffwechsel – Ökologie der Zusammenarbeit/Im_flieger, ImPulsTanz, Gerti Binder, Katharina Lenz, Katrin Hornek and Litó Walkey.
Sponsored by: DRZ – Demontage und Recycling Zentrum Wien, Altwaren Kranner und Gaugl Metallhandel GmbH. With the financial support of: Wien Kultur/Ma7.
Project & artistic direction: Sabina Holzer / Space, artistic companionship, video: Jack Hauser / Choreographies & dances: Sabina Holzer / Textual & philosophical companionship: Elisabeth Schäfer / Choreographic companionship: Brigitte Wilfing / Sound: Thomas Wagensommerer / Dramaturgical advise: Herbert Justnik / Projectmanagement: Lena Nothdurfter / Technical support: Patrick Widhofner-Schmidt
With many thanks to the team of Volkskundemuseum! Also to SeeLab – Jot12, Stoffwechsel – Ökologie der Zusammenarbeit/Im_flieger, ImPulsTanz, Gerti Binder, Katharina Lenz, Katrin Hornek and Litó Walkey.
Sponsored by: DRZ – Demontage und Recycling Zentrum Wien, Altwaren Kranner und Gaugl Metallhandel GmbH.
With the financial support of: Wien Kultur / Ma7
A cooperation of cattravelsnotalone and Volkskundemuseum Wien
Link to the Volkskundemuseum: which dances – a choregraphic assemblage
Further materials:
which dances in progress 2020
Further materials:
further poetic cartographies and operations
(regarding the mind-body and the nature-culture continuum) #1