Liquid Journeys traces the correspondence between our human bodies and our embeddedness in the city and surrounding land through walks, workshops, collective reading, writing and interventions. Liquid Journeys visits the geological and physical transitions and layers. The artistic endevour is inspired by somatic practices like body mind centering, cranio sacral practices, yoga; feminist philosophy, discourse and poetics of Hélène Cixous, Astrida Neimanis, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Lidia Yuknavitch a.o.; eco feminism and trans-disciplinary artistic practices. Many thanks to Alix Eynaudi, Jack Hauser, Agnes Schneidewind, Litó Walkey for their inspiration and support.
Liquid Journey VIII, ImPulsTanz 2024

Liquid Journey VIII. Photos: Sabina Holzer, with the kind permission of the participants.
Vienna’s geological bedrock consists of rocks that date back to a time when Vienna was still a sea. A sea that became a lake, which then dried up and was finally covered by the sediments of the Danube and the Vienna Woods. The traces of this primeval sea can still be found everywhere. In the city as it has grown and also in our bodies in a sympoetic relationship to the environment.
Inspired by hydrofeminism, Liquid Journey VI explores our physical relationship to water and to ourselves. Body fluids nourish us, they detoxify and shape transitions, they initiate and accompany the change between different sensations and feelings. This workshop also explores the transformative quality of liquids, as well as their lightness and power. Our dances will dive into their waves, their pulsation, their tides and connect with their freedom and the moods they bring. We will also practice poetic mindfulness towards ourselves and the cultural nature of which we are a part and which we will also explore in this workshop.

Liquid Journeys explores what happens when the technological divisions between urban culture and nature, water and land, individual and collective, are understood as fluid states. What happens when we follow the phenomenon of water and thus create spaces that add change to the unthought sense?
The geological subsoil of Vienna consists of rocks that originate from a time when Vienna was still the sea, until the sea became a lake, which then dried up and was finally covered by the sediments of the Danube and Wienerwald streams. Tiny ramifications thus begin to describe the places and their landscape, transforming them into a hyper-network that emerges here and there. They dissolve the boundaries of bodies as we know them and make them reappear under different conditions. We are practicing modest exercises of imagination of diverse connections in times of climate catastrophe. The human body consists of up to 70% water. Water keeps us alive. It takes care of us. How can we care about water?
* LIQUID JOURNEYS VI | Workshop & Artistic Research @ Volkskunde Museum Wien. Sabina Holzer & guests. With: Agnes Schneidewind, Boris Hauf, Christina Gruber, Herbert Justnik, Iris Dittler, Jack Hauser, Oisín Monaghan und Litó Walkey.

Liquid Journey VI was transdiciplinary meeting to explore and exchange methods of translating the phenomenology of water.
Jack Hauser captured and composed some encounters during 3 days of Liquid Journey IV at Volkskundmuseum Wien and the sharing with the participants – many thanks to Elena Peytchinska, Esther Suranyi, Karine Blanche, Marcus Fisch, Thomas Ballhausen, Tom Klien und Gabriele & Christian Dorninger – of the workshop.
* LIQIUD JOURNEYS V | Practice Sharing during ‚Convocation‘, a symposium for language-based art at dieAngewandte (University of Applied Arts, Vienna).

Liquid Journey V was an inivtation to connect with the historical swamp of the Viennese Prater with the intercellular liquids in the human body and to move and write with this experience.
* LIQUID JOURNEYS IV | Artist in Residence at Bucharest and Tulsa in Romania to get to know the Danube Delta.

Wir wollten schreiben / mit der Reise / mit dem Fluss / den Vögeln / den Himmel, so blau. –> Continue reading.
* LIQUID JOURNEYS III | Workshop at the Volkskundemuseum Vienna

Liquid Journey III invited to connect the heart as a center for distributing water / blood and its nutrients through the body, with the city visiting the Brigittenauer Sporn, where the Donaukanal departs from the Danube.

* LIQUID JOURNEY II | Workshop at the Volkskundemuseum Vienna

A public sharing of connecting to the surrounded nature-culture of the Volkskundemusum with human bodies. Walking the underground streams of the 8th district ( Als and Währingerbach) to gather a longside the Donaukanal.
* LIQUID JOURNEY I | Artist in Residence with Alix Eynaudi and Litó Walkey

Connecting to the writing of the water in the city.
Merging with dedication, horizontal spreading, de-stilling, distillations of breath in collective lungs. A t(h)ree way lung that prefers the humidity of a forest to the fear of breathing alone. How reading through dragon time skirts & rocks & distillates our love(s)..Singsonging through a class. A class non-action. Poetic non-action in a dragon time. (Alix Eynaudi)
Some other things we said and shared