
Photo: Sabina Holzer

Photo: Sabina Holzer

fluvial realized in cooperation with the Volkskunde Museum and various dialogue partners:
Alix Eynaudi (Artist), Sabine Grupe (Head of the WGM Technical Office for Geology), Jack Hauser (Artist), Claudia Heu (Artist), Tom Klien (BSc – contemplative landscapes / mindfulness training / sustain*ability), Elisabeth Schäfer (Philosopher), Agnes Schneidewind (Cranio-Sacral Body-Practcioner, artist), Nurit Sommer (Cultural and social anthropologist, body therapist, movement teacher), Herbert Justnik (Curator, cultural scientist) Lito Walkey (Artist).

fluvial is supported with a research grant by the City of Vienna for 2022 and Volkskunde Museum Wien